I’ve ran into a lot of installation errors in my experience, but this one definitely deserves a separate blog post. During the installation I’ve got the following error
06/13/2011 11:25:23 AM Warning Utility.Execute - "D:\FASTSearch\bin\ResourceStoreInstaller.exe" StdError - resourcestoreinstaller.exe - C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe SET config "ResourceStore" /section:requestFiltering /verbs.allowUnlisted:false /commit:apphost - ERROR ( message:Unknown attribute "verbs.allowUnlisted". Replace with -? for help. )
06/13/2011 11:25:23 AM Warning Utility.Execute - Return code for binary "D:\FASTSearch\bin\ResourceStoreInstaller.exe" is not 0. This may indicate that binary didn't execute successfully
And the FAST failed to install.
Let me step back a little bit, the installation was fairly simple, just 2 servers. And knowing the FAST hungry for resources reputation we usually recommend to beef up the servers as much as possible. The 2 servers were actually physical machines very powerful with about 16 CPU cores registered. That was the problem!
Christian Holslin shared his experience here, otherwise I’d be chasing the problem for hours. http://www.thesharepointblog.net/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=815f255a%2Dd0ef%2D4258%2Dbe2a%2D28487dc9975c&ID=48
Too many CPU cores, or logical CPUs can produce the failure for the installation as the CPUs compete for access to the web.config file.
TO resolve this problem do the following:
Before you attempt to run the configuration wizard, from the command line, run Mdconfig command:
1. Go to advanced tab
2. Under advanced go to “boot”
3. Select 4 processors
4. Restart the machine. Repeat this process for all servers in the FAST farm.
Once the installation process is done, revert your changes for the number of registered CPUs back to the original amount of registered Cores following the steps above.
You will be all set
1 comment:
Glad I found this post. This solved my issue. Apparently the config wizard didn't like my 24 cores. I found the setting I needed in msconfig.exe -> Boot -> Advanced Options. Thanks!
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